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Invisalign – Lady Lake, FL

Your Days with Crooked
Teeth Are Numbered

These days, if you’re an adult, you don’t have to get metal braces to straighten your teeth. Instead, Invisalign allows people to correct crooked, crowded, and gapped teeth while maintaining their normal appearance and lifestyle throughout the process. RP Dental & Implants has already used Invisalign in our Lady Lake, FL dental office to give countless patients the perfectly straight smiles they desire, and we’re eager to do the same for you! To schedule a consultation, contact us today.

Why Choose RP Dental & Implants for Invisalign?

How Does Invisalign Work?

Patient placing an Invisalign tray

Invisalign actually shares a lot of similarities with metal braces, in that it uses a small amount of force to gently push the teeth into their new positions. Instead of using bulky brackets and wires to do this, however, Invisalign has a patient wear a progressive series of clear plastic aligner trays. Each one brings someone a step closer to their ideal smile. They are expertly designed based on a 3D impression of a patient’s teeth, and on average, treatment only takes about 12-18 months (as opposed to 24-36 months with braces).

Why Patients Love Invisalign

Hand holding a clear Invisalign tray

Understanding the Cost of Invisalign

Invisalign dentist in Lady Lake holding Invisalign tray

Now that you know how the process works and the benefits, it’s time to answer one of the most common questions we hear from patients: How much does Invisalign cost? Since there is no flat fee, it’s best to answer this question during your initial consultation with our dentist in Lady Lake. However, we know that many patients like to do some research online beforehand, which is why we are discussing a few common factors that influence the price below!

Factors that Affect the Cost of Invisalign

Dentist in Lady Lake placing Invisalign on patient

As mentioned above, Invisalign isn’t a one-size-fits-all treatment. To determine the cost of Invisalign for your particular dental needs and smile goals, a number of factors will be considered, including:

  • How many aligners are needed to straighten your teeth.
  • Whether you are straightening one or both arches.
  • Compliance with treatment.
  • Whether any accessories are needed, like elastics.

A Quick Comparison Between Invisalign and Smile Direct Club™

Dentist in Lady Lake showing patient Invisalign aligner

Upfront, opting for DIY orthodontics may seem like the obvious choice for your wallet. After all, while Invisalign can cost anywhere from $3,500 to $8,000, the initial cost of Smile Direct Club™ is around $2,000. With that being said, it’s important to remember that cheaper isn’t always better, especially when it comes to your smile. In fact, there have been numerous accounts of DIY orthodontics actually worsening alignment. Furthermore, the cheap plastic and no supervision from a skilled orthodontist are very risky as well. Invisalign, on the other hand, has successfully helped more than 8 million patients achieve the smile of their dreams.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Invisalign?

Dental insurance paperwork lying on desk

It’s possible! The answer ultimately comes down to your dental insurance plan. While some don’t include any orthodontic coverage, others include a once-in-a-lifetime provision. In short, this means this benefit does not renew each year. Instead, you use the pre-determined dollar amount to cover a portion of your treatment and reduce your out-of-pocket expenses. If you’re unfamiliar with your benefits or would like to double-check, don’t hesitate to let our team know! We would be more than happy to help you utilize any unused coverage.

Options for Making Invisalign Affordable

Patient paying smiling medical receptionist

If you don’t have dental insurance benefits that you can use toward Invisalign, don’t worry – there is another way to make your treatment more affordable. Our team is proud to welcome Wells Fargo Financing, which offers low-to-no interest payments and no unexpected charges. As a result, straightening your smile with Invisalign can fit into nearly every budget! To learn more, get in touch with our knowledgeable team today.

Invisalign FAQs

A patient holding her Invisalign aligner in Lady Lake, FL

Our team at RP Dental & Implants understands that you might have a few initial questions or concerns about the Invisalign process before you’re ready to commit to it—and we’re happy to help! We’ve gathered a few of the most frequently asked questions that we receive about Invisalign along with their respective answers for your convenience. Of course, if you have any other questions about Invisalign or would like to arrange a consultation to see if it’s right for your smile, feel free to give us a call for assistance.  

Who Is a Candidate for Invisalign?

You’ll need to schedule a consultation with us to determine if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign treatment. Typically, Invisalign is used to correct crooked, crowded, gapped, and misaligned teeth of the upper and lower arches, as well as some bite problems. But it’s not ideal for everyone—age is a pretty important eligibility factor, and the treatment is typically better for teens and adults, as the jaw and teeth are still rapidly changing while transitioning from childhood to teenage years. Since patients must also wear their aligners frequently, younger patients might have trouble adhering to the mandatory wear time of 22 hours every day.

Does It Hurt to Get Invisalign?

One of the biggest concerns that some patients have with any sort of dental treatment is pain, but with Invisalign, you’re embarking on a significantly more comfortable path than traditional braces! Since your teeth are being shifted into new positions, you can expect some minor soreness as you become accustomed to wearing the trays. However, this discomfort can be managed using over-the-counter pain relievers and cold compresses.

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

Simply put, the timeline for Invisalign varies between patients because everyone has different dental needs. On average, the entire process can take anywhere from 12 to 18 months, which is significantly shorter than the traditional braces timeline that’s often well over 24 months. That said, one of the biggest factors that contributes to the length of the treatment process is patient compliance; the trays need to be worn for 22 hours every day in order to successfully shift your teeth as intended. Patients must also advance to new sets of aligners as instructed.

What Happens After Invisalign?

Once you’ve completed the last aligners in the series, you’ll visit us to verify your results. We need to ensure that your teeth have moved into their optimal positions before briefing you on what maintenance your new smile will need. You’ll be given a retainer, and based on your specific needs, we’ll instruct you on how often it needs to be worn. Over time, you’ll have to wear it less frequently.

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