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RP Dental & Implants Blog

5 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Tooth Extractions 

October 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — rpdental @ 8:38 pm
person with fear of tooth extractions  scared at dentist

The fear of tooth extractions can pose a significant obstacle to seeking essential dental care. Nevertheless, it is crucial to confront these apprehensions to maintain excellent oral health. Tooth extractions play a pivotal role in preventing severe dental problems, highlighting the importance of patients managing their anxiety and pursuing necessary treatment. In this article, we will provide practical tips and strategies to help you overcome your fear of tooth extractions, empowering you to confidently access the required dental care.


4 Kinds of Tooth Pain, and What They Mean

September 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — rpdental @ 5:46 pm
person holding their tooth and wincing in pain

Experiencing a toothache can be a distressing ordeal. These aches can vary in intensity, from minor discomfort to excruciating pain, disrupting your daily routine and even hindering a good night’s sleep. Toothaches are a prevalent issue in oral health and can be triggered by a multitude of factors. While some toothaches are relatively mild and may resolve on their own, others can be severe and necessitate immediate professional intervention. Read on for four primary types of toothaches, shedding light on their potential causes and implications for your oral health.


Dealing With a Dental Emergency if You’re Working in the U.S.

August 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — rpdental @ 9:44 am
Patient talking to the dentist

While there’s not really a good time to deal with a dental emergency, there are plenty of instances where you could deal with one quickly and without much fuss. As a general rule, the closer you are to a dentist that you know and trust, the better off you are.

The opposite is also true—the further you are from home, the harder it may be to find someone who can deal with a dental emergency. If you’re in the U.S. for work or vacation and suddenly need to handle a toothache, you may be at a loss for what to do. Here’s how you can find a dentist to help you.


Why Does My Face Hurt?

July 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — rpdental @ 6:00 am
Someone holding their cheek and wincing

One of the reasons why dentists are so important is that it can be incredibly difficult to determine on your own what kind of oral health problem you’re dealing with, especially on the basis of feeling alone. This is even more true when it comes to dental emergencies, when discomfort can make it a little bit difficult to think straight.

However, going to your dentist with a little bit of an idea of what problem is bothering you can save time for both you and them. If you’re dealing with a certain amount of facial pain, here are a few things that could be responsible.


Can Dentures Affect My Sense of Taste?

June 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — rpdental @ 4:46 pm
a person holding full dentures

Life would be pretty boring if you weren’t able to taste all of your favorite foods; in fact, food has become quite ingrained in our culture and is a source of joy for all! Needless to say, many of us enjoy several delicious items daily—but did you know that over time, your reliable sense of taste will gradually diminish? This can also be exacerbated by dentures, even though they’re intended to restore missing teeth and oral functionality! Keep reading to learn more about the link between dentures and your sense of taste, along with some tips for minimizing the impact of your restorations.


Top Problems Caused by Ill-Fitting Dentures

May 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — rpdental @ 10:18 pm
a patient holding her dentures

Dentures are one of the most popular and accessible solutions for patients with missing teeth. They’ve assisted countless generations with rebuilding their smiles and enhancing their quality of life. However, as amazing as dentures are, they don’t come without drawbacks, one of which is their tendency to stop fitting correctly over time. Even worse, this can cause issues that have severe, even sometimes fatal, consequences. Here’s more from your dentist about some of the common problems caused by ill-fitting dentures, along with why they’re the best person for adjusting them and getting your smile back on track!


Do I Need to See a Dentist to Have My Dentures Relined?

April 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — rpdental @ 6:51 pm
full dentures

It’s not usual for patients with dentures to experience a change in their jawbone structure, resulting in their permanent teeth no longer fitting correctly or comfortably. When this happens, an adjustment is commonly required, but it is up to the individual if they want to have it fixed. Can you reline your dentures yourself? Read on to learn why you should seek the help of a trusted dentist instead of attempting to do it on your own.


Can I Get Invisalign If I Have Had Dental Work Done?

March 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — rpdental @ 5:16 am
young woman holding her Invisalign aligner

If you’re interested in getting straighter teeth, Invisalign can give you the results that you’re looking for discreetly, and without many of the dietary restrictions that come with traditional braces. For that reason, they’re a favorite of adults who are looking for orthodontic treatment without wires or brackets.

However, adults are also more likely to have had other kinds of dental work done, like crowns, bridges, or veneers. You may wonder whether those will interfere with getting Invisalign treatment; if you’re curious, here’s what you ought to know.


Did You Know Dentures are Not Just for Senior Citizens?

February 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — rpdental @ 1:45 pm
a young person receiving implants from her dentist

Now, more than ever, modern technology has made dentures more lifelike, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing. In addition, they can effectively restore the function of your natural teeth. While these restorations have mostly been associated with those of mature age, that doesn’t mean they are not a viable option for younger people. If you have more than one missing tooth, they can be a wonderful solution to complete your smile, no matter what your age! Here’s what to know about getting dentures at a younger age.


Are Tooth Stains Hereditary?

December 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — rpdental @ 2:09 am

Before and after teeth whiteningSociety attributes attractive teeth to youth, success, and confidence; however, not everyone has a bright smile. Teeth come in several shades and tones naturally. Not to mention, they can change color over the years from various factors, like smoking or drinking a lot of coffee. However, there’s also a genetic component. Although you can’t change your DNA, you have several options to revitalize your pearly whites.


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