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Aged Aesthetics: Am I Too Old for Cosmetic Dentistry?

April 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — rpdental @ 3:33 pm
Man and woman with white hair hugging at the kitchen table smiling

Your body goes through many changes as you age, and your teeth are no exception. After years of use, their appearance and functionality can suffer. For example, they’re more likely to be chipped, cracked, and stained as your enamel thins with time. Not only does this impact the way you look, but it can also be detrimental to your oral health. If yours are already damaged in some way, then they’re much more vulnerable to additional injury because the structure is compromised.

Many seniors dealing with such aesthetic flaws believe that it’s too late to do anything to help their dental condition. Fortunately, your dentist would probably disagree! There are many ways they can enhance your grin with various cosmetic procedures. Keep reading to learn 3 popular treatments to decide whether they might be right for you!

Procedure #1: Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are thin, ceramic shells that are bonded to the front of your tooth to mask minor problems like chips, discoloration, minor gaps, and slightly crooked smiles. Your dentist will customize them to match the hue of your pearly whites so that once they’re in place, no one can tell the difference. Plus, these covers are coated with a glaze durable enough to resist additional staining and breaking which can protect the underlying teeth.

For them to line up correctly against your gumlines, your dentist must first remove a thin layer of enamel. If yours are too damaged or decayed, then this may not be the best option to meet your needs.

Procedure #2: Cosmetic Dental Bonding

If your teeth have sustained minor injuries, then cosmetic dental bonding can repair them while simultaneously enhancing how they look. For this method, your dentist applies a small amount of color-matched, putty-like composite resin to your tooth. Then, they mold it into the perfect shape and use a special ultraviolet light to cure it in place. The material hardens and bonds directly with your enamel for a seamless repair. It can also be used to hide stubborn stains that aren’t affected by teeth whitening.

This service is typically less costly than veneers, and can often be completed in a single, hour-long appointment which makes it a cost-effective and efficient way to upgrade your grin.

Procedure #3: Metal-Free Dental Restorations

Historically, dentists used mixtures of metal for dental repairs like fillings and dental crowns. Though they’re incredibly durable, they don’t bond to your teeth and can harm them in time. Metal expands and contracts with temperature changes which can erode them over the years. Not only that, but it can conduct those fluctuations to your roots and cause sensitivity and discomfort. Plus, most amalgam solutions contain mercury which can be toxic if you’re exposed to too much of it for too long.

Your dentist can replace past dental work with tooth-colored materials that don’t carry the same risks. For example, the same composite resin used for dental bonding can be applied in layers to fill cavities. Once they’ve finished, you’ll have safer restorations that are less visibly intrusive.

If you’re still not sure of the best way to update your smile, your dentist can make recommendations based on your current dental condition. Schedule a consultation today and soon you’ll be on your way to a new and improved grin!

About the Practice

At RP Dental & Implants, you benefit from two top-quality dentists with several decades of combined experience. They take the time to get to know your unique dental needs and goals so that they can offer fully individualized solutions. Their warm, friendly approach is sure to help you feel calm and relaxed from the moment you arrive for your appointment. Then, they use state-of-the-art equipment to increase patient comfort and increase the accuracy of treatment results. If you’re concerned about the state of your smile and would like a consultation, you’re welcome to request one on the website or by calling (352) 750-0008.

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