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Do You Have to Change Your Diet with Veneers?

October 28, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — rpdental @ 3:03 pm
a plaster model of a mouth with dental veneers on it

Dental veneers are a versatile cosmetic treatment that can take any damaged or discolored grin and transform it into one that’s symmetrical, bright, and complete, all in a single procedure. With countless benefits to offer, many patients wonder what the cons are, like whether they’ll need to adjust their daily diet to ensure their new smile lasts. Read on to learn whether you’ll need to stop eating certain foods after you get veneers.

Foods & Drinks to Eat & Avoid with Temporary Veneers

After your teeth are prepared and impressions are captured for your permanent veneers, your cosmetic dentist will place temporary ones. These aren’t made to be durable and are placed to protect your prepared teeth, so it’s a good idea to be mindful of what you eat and drink with them:

  • Avoid hard, raw fruits and vegetables
  • Avoid hard candies, popcorn, and ice
  • Avoid tough meats
  • Avoid sticky foods and candies
  • Avoid toasted and crunchy breads

Instead, stick to softer foods that won’t stain your temporary veneers, like:

  • Pasta
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Soft breads
  • Eggs
  • Smoothies
  • Chicken
  • Soft canned and jarred foods
  • Bananas and other soft fruits

Foods & Drinks to Eat & Avoid with Permanent Veneers

Once your permanent veneers are placed, you’ll be able to enjoy a much larger variety of foods and beverages because they’re made from durable dental porcelain and built to stand daily habits like chewing. Despite being stain-resistant, it’s still a good idea to steer clear of certain foods and drinks that could cause them to discolor faster or increase their risk of becoming damaged, including:

  • Tobacco products
  • Dark liquids like red wine and coffee
  • Alcoholic beverages (this could dissolve the bonding material)
  • Extremely hard foods

While you don’t have to completely cut out coffee or alcoholic beverages from your diet, minimizing your intake of these products will help extend the lifespan of your veneers. Otherwise, there aren’t many foods or drinks that you need to avoid with your permanent veneers because they function similarly to your natural teeth.

Caring for Your Veneers to Increase Their Lifespan

After investing in a bright and brilliant smile with veneers, it makes sense that you would want to get the most out of your treatment. In many cases, people are able to enjoy the results of veneers for 20 or more years with the proper maintenance before they need to be replaced. Here are some tips to take care of your smile:

  • Maintain a good oral hygiene routine
  • Avoid excessively hard or sticky foods
  • Minimize intake of stain-causing foods and beverages
  • Visit your dentist every six months for checkups and cleanings

When you’re intentional about taking care of your newly improved grin, you can truly get the most out of your investment in cosmetic dentistry.

About the Author

Dr. Rishit Patel has been practicing dentistry for well over a decade, and one of his favorite parts about being a dentist is working with patients to make their dream smiles a reality. That’s why he offers a wide array of custom-tailored cosmetic treatments, including veneers. He is also an active member of several professional organizations, including the American Dental Association, Florida Dental Association, and American Academy of Implant Dentistry. For questions or to schedule a consultation for veneers, visit RP Dental & Implants’ website or call 352-750-0008.

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