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5 Ways Dental Implants Can Boost Your Confidence

August 31, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — rpdental @ 2:01 am
Confident man with dental implants in Lady Lake

Losing one, several, or all your teeth can take a huge bite out of your quality of life. Suddenly, everyday tasks like eating, talking, and smiling confidently become a challenge. While modern dentistry offers numerous tooth replacement options, only one can restore your self-esteem as well as your smile: dental implants! This revolutionary restoration replaces missing teeth from the roots up, providing results that look, feel, and function just like the real thing. Here are five ways replacing your missing teeth with dental implants in Lady Lake can boost your confidence!

1.) Enjoy Eating with Friends & Family Once Again

Do you feel self-conscious about eating in social situations? If so, you’re not alone. Since dentures and dental bridges only restore 25-30% of your natural biting force, foods like steak, apples, and nuts become difficult to enjoy. Dental implants are rooted into the jawbone like natural teeth, restoring 80% or more of your chewing power and letting you enjoy eating with your friends and family once again!

2.) Talk, Smile, & Laugh Without Worry

While dentures and dental bridges are long-lasting, they inevitably lose their fit over time. Dentures in particular are notorious for slipping out of place at the most embarrassing times. With dental implants, this concern will never have to cross your mind! Not only do dental implants have a strong foundation, but they also prevent jawbone deterioration and promote long-term stability.

3.) Maintain a Healthy & Strong Smile

When it comes to replacing your missing teeth, dental implants are the best option for the health of your mouth. They’re fully self-supporting like real teeth, so there’s no need to wear down your remaining healthy enamel and you won’t have to worry about gum sores or irritation.

4.) Look Just As Good As You Feel

Did you know that dental implants can help you look younger and healthier? Tooth loss naturally leads to jawbone deterioration. That’s why many people who are missing teeth eventually develop a sunken, aged look in their facial features. Dental implants stimulate circulation in the jawbone to keep it strong and preserve your youthful appearance.

5.) Long-Term Results You Can Count On

Dentures and dental bridges only last for about five to seven years, at which point they’ll need to be replaced to maintain their fit. Alternatively, replacing your missing teeth with dental implants is a decision you can enjoy for a lifetime! With routine dental checkups and a few healthy habits at home, your dental implants should easily last for several decades without needing to be replaced or adjusted.

No matter how old you are, you deserve to have a healthy and beautiful smile that you feel confident about. If missing teeth are holding you back in life, call your dentist today to learn more about dental implants.  

About the Practice

At RP Dental & Implants, our team has helped the smiles of Lady Lake and the surrounding communities achieve and maintain optimal oral health for life. Dr. Patel and Dr. Wadsworth use their combined experiences and advanced training to offer state-of-the-art treatments like dental implants. They even perform every step of dental implant treatment right here in our office, saving you time, money, and hassle! If you’d like to learn more, they can be contacted online or at (352) 750-0008.

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